doubleTwist Alarm Clock v1.3.6: Android v2.2+, ROOT, GooglePlay Installer
doubleTwist Alarm Clock v1.3.6: Wake Alarm Clock, beautiful Alarm app
doubleTwist Alarm Clock -down beautiful alarm app Google Play Store, following doubleTwist's history , intuitive, highly functional, gorgeous apps, doubleTwist Player media app.
"doubleTwist Alarm Clock be stunning time-watching apps market. so good would consider switching just app, available." - Om Malik, Gigaom
Gently awaken favorite medley. rouse yourself from deep slumber metal. !
Alarm Clock doubleTwist Alarm Clock v1.3.6 :
• Two clock modes: flip clock clock, includes nightst mode.
• Set alarm through one modes: Time, Sleep Cycle, Quick Nap,. Sleep Cycle helps pick optimal wake-up times cycles.
• Set multiple alarms.
• Set recurring alarms (weekdays, weekends, etc).
• Set a custom label alarms.
• Choose from built-in alarm sounds song (requires free doubleTwist Player app).
• Set adjustable fade volume.
• View time pending until next scheduled alarm.
• Set snooze duration volume.
• Swiss Clock live wallpaper.
doubleTwist Alarm Clock with ❤ Francisco.
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What's New
* Implemented Slide functionality accidental snoozing (no !)
* doubleTwist Alarm Clock v1.3.6 digital clock display issue a small number resolution screens.
* Misc bug fixes.
* doubleTwist Alarm Clock v1.3.6 a bug relating Quiet Mode feature.
* Require storage permission crash 4.1 when "Protect USB storage" system setting .
Download : doubleTwist Alarm Clock v1.3.6 Instructions:
Mirror doubleTwist Alarm Clock v1.3.6: