Friendcaster Pro v5.3.3: FriendCaster Pro - Facebook experience devices, ads!
Friendcaster #1 third party Facebook app available 3,000,000 downloads reviews.
Version 5.0 a beautiful interface, loads Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v5.3.3 and real time Facebook notifications available through Google Play. When “fix”, Friendcaster way , ’s free!
With Friendcaster we've also put making VERY fast. Tired Facebook app ? Go!
If Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v5.3.3 you're after, we've got em:
★ All Facebook Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v5.3.3 (status updates, photos, messages, events, groups, checkins, etc)
★ Instant real time notifications (much faster than any other Facebook app)
★ Full news feed
★ Comment, post comments
★ 5 beautiful themes, !
★ Quick access status updates, photos
★ Quick access
★ Beautiful checkin map friend's locations
★ Easily view feed based Facebook friend lists
★ Displays size cover pho opening screen
★ Support accounts
★ Hi-res photos directly news feed
★ Quick setup assistant
★ Designed specifically Cream Sandwich
★ Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v5.3.3 throughout ... give try!
Facebook be once you've used t. Keep friends faster.
Got a Facebook feature you'd like would make better? feedback every day effort to continue making t best app available.
What's Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v5.3.3 :
+ Added DashClock extension
+ Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v5.3.3 support accounts
+ Several fixes related
+ Zip (clicking zipped post post instead , zipping a post position)
+ Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v5.3.3 posting , events, if selected from favorites
+ Added option photos resolution
Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v5.3.3:
Download : Friendcaster Pro for Facebook v5.3.3 Instructions: